
Amputation injuries can be devastating. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident while cycling and sustained an amputation injury, you need expert legal help.

At Cycle Law Scotland, we will work with the insurance company representing the other party involved in the accident to ensure you receive the best possible rehabilitation and that you are referred to private prosthetic service for a first class prosthetic limb. We will also request immediate vocational support and training to help you return to work.

At Cycle Law Scotland, we believe our clients should receive the best possible legal advice and support. We will work closely with an independent team of legal experts, including both junior and senior counsel, excellent medical consultants and highly-regarded expert witnesses to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to. As part of this service, if travelling to our offices is difficult, we will arrange to meet you in your home and will personally keep you up to date with the progress of your case.