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Mr K was involved in a cycling accident in October 2013. He was cycling in Edinburgh when a car in front of him indicated left and pulled into the side of the road.

Mr K proceeded to overtake the vehicle when suddenly and without warning the car proceeded to execute a U-turn manoeuvre across his path. A collision occurred and Mr King fell from his bike and sustained minor soft tissue injuries.

After getting in contact with Cycle Law Scotland, it transpired that the car that caused Mr King’s accident was uninsured.

We therefore proceeded with intimating a case against the Motor Insurance Bureau. The MIB is funded by insurance companies and steps in to provide compensation when accidents are caused by uninsured or untraced drivers.

The MIB carried out their investigations into liability and an offer was made in March to compensate the client for his pain and suffering as well as his damaged clothing and glasses.

Mr K was delighted with the offer and it was accepted on his behalf. He was very impressed with the service he received from Cycle Law Scotland and said that he would be happy to recommend us to his fellow cyclers.